Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Trying to get the word out to parents about safety on internet games for children. I have found a pedophile on  This is a grown man role playing with my child and  in a disgusting pedophile way. My son is too young to catch on to exactly what he means, but I happened to catch some of the conversation last night and it is beyond wrong. He has my autistic son helping him get sexual gratification from his role play with him. I want him banned from this game. I am working on getting his IP address so I can contact authorities. I am sure my son is not the only one. He is very careful to have him use words he made up to have specific meaning to him so as to not be caught. It didn't take me 5 seconds to catch on to what he was doing. I expect to hear from Roblox soon so we can get this sicko off of the children's site. If I do not, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands and have the authorities contact Roblox about it. The user name he uses is joeyjoeyjoeman25 Please check your children's friend list to make sure he is not on it. If he is, report it as abuse with the button provided on their site. Remember to check and see what your child is doing while using the internet. If they change the page quickly or close it so you can't see it, it is a HUGE RED FLAG, and you need to investigate what they are doing. Remember, if your child plays on ROBLOX this user is a pedophile and using them in a manner that he should be arrested for. Even if he is not physically touching them, he is mentally twisting their minds and spirits. JOEYJOEYJOEMAN25    not caps of course, but I want it to stand out in this blog. Protect your children and others. If you see something wrong, report it.